Αγγλικά (Γ΄ Γυμνασίου)- Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 2
Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 2
  • To listen for detail
  • To make notes on what people say
1. Read the quiz below and
tick the right box. Be
honest! Don't cheat!


The student with the most
points can think of
themselves as very brave.

3 points for TRUE
2 points for HALF-TRUE
1 point for FALSE

25-30: Tarzan!
17-24: Quite brave!
10-16: Chicken!

Who's the bravest student?

Type of ride TRUE FALSE HALF-
1. The Big Dipper! A piece of cake!      
2. I am scared stiff of heights.      
3. The reality ride? No bother!      
4. The vertical drop? Kids stuff!      
5. Heights frighten me to death.      
6. Alone on a ride? You must be joking!      
7. My bravery! It’s all put on!      
8. Heights don’t bother me.      
9. Me, bungee jumping? Not in a millon years!      
10. Fear? Yes, I get a kick out it!      
2. Now, find someone who
  likes dislikes is afraid of gets sick on
the Free Fall        
the Roller Coaster        
the Virtual Reality ride        
the Water Slide        
the Spinning Car        
the Vertical Drop        
the Bumper Cars        

Report to class which is the most popular or least popular ride.

The bravest student!
1. In pairs decide which word on the right
column collocates with the words on the
left column.
2. In pairs, skim through the six texts on the
different rides in Lesson 1 and find
phrases which mean the following:
a) what is going to happen
b) be part of
c) something that shows you
d) plenty for
e) something scary
f) every day of the year
One of the
Booked in
The whole
At speeds of up to
Head down to
A great day
Over you
What seems to be
80 kmph.
  A B
3. Use a word or
phrase from BOX A
and one word from
BOX B to form
expressions from the
texts in LESSON 1.
ten per-cent


1. Read the following dialogue with your
partner. Then underline the ending of
the verbs after the expressions in bold.
What do you notice about the verb
endings? Can you make a rule
about these expressions?
Compare your answer with your
partner. Does s/he agree or
disagree? Why?
A: I absolutely hate going on the Big Wheel.
B: Why? When I go, I can't help laughing all the time.
A: It scares me to death, that's why.
B: Really? I quite enjoy going on all the rides.
A: You're not well!
B: What about the Vertical Drop?
A: That? I avoid going on that like the plague.
B: How about trying something less dramatic?
A: No. I don't fancy paying to become sick.
B: Isn't there anything you like doing?
A: Actually, I don't mind going on the bumper cars, but that's about all.
B: There, you see! There is something you like, after all.
2. Complete the rule:

When we use verbs like hate, avoid, fancy, mind, try, the next verb ends in _____.

In pairs, try to find 2 more words that follow this rule.

Lesson 2

Listening & Speaking 

Task 1 - Making suggestions and responding

In pairs look at the map of the fun fair and practice making and responding to
suggestions. Use the expressions in the boxes.



How about going on the…?
Let's try the…
Shall we have a go on the…?
What do you fancy going on…?
Do you feel like giving the… a go?
Why don't we check out the…?


Sure, why not!
Yes, okay, let's try that.
I don't fancy that.
Hm... Alright then!
I'm not really sure about that.
No! I'm not into that ride.
Yes, that's a good idea.
That might be good.

Task 2 - Role-play

You are at a fun fair. You have € 40 to spend.

Find out prices of rides, food, drinks, souvenirs and decide what things to do during the day.

STUDENT A is a customer.
STUDENT B is a Theme Park employee.

Task 3 - Listening and writing

Imagine that your friend has asked you to
get him or her some information about the
funfair. Read their note to you.

Now phone ‘Have Fun Park’ and listen to
the recorded message. As you listen, make
notes for your friend and complete the chart

Dear Marios,
I was wondering if you could ring ‘Have
Fun Park’ to get me some information about
the opening times, how much different
rides cost, and if there is any discount for
my two children who are under 12. I
would also like to know if there is
anywhere to eat when we are there.
Many thanks,
This text will be replaced
Opening times New Rides Prices Special offers Type of Food/drink

Use the notes to write an e-mail to your friend to tell him/her what you
learned about the funfair.

The bravest student!

Task 4 - The rides

Listen to the recorded message and choose the best answer to these questions:
This text will be replaced
1. What can you do first?
a. The Roller Coaster b. The Wheelers c. The Big Wheel
2. It is a good idea to arrive early at weekends because
a. many people come. b. the food is good. c. there are many heavy people.
3. Why should you not play around on the rides?
a. It is exciting b. It is dangerous c. You pay more
4. What is the advice given for people with young children?
a. Let them go alone b. Tell them about safety c. Stay with them always

Task 5 - Speaking (planning and negotiating)

Planning a visit to an amusement park: Work in groups
of four. Imagine that you are planning a day trip for your
class to an amusement park. Think about some of the
tasks that need to be done to prepare for the trip, and who
would be responsible for each task: an ideas person, a
coordinator, or a team worker. Consider these questions:
- Where are you going to go?
- How are you going to get there?
- What information do you need to know?
- What advice must you give to the group?
- How much money should each student take?


When you are ready, report your ideas to another group. Each person describes
one or more tasks, and explains why it should be done by the ideas person, the
coordinator or the team worker.

Writing Letter writing We'll go to the fun-fare!

A friend is coming to spend an exciting weekend with you!
Write a letter to him/her to suggest what to do. Describe
where you plan to go and what you can do there. Say why
you think your friend will enjoy it. Write about 100 words.

Plan your writing:
- Tell your friend how happy you are he/she is coming.
- Write about the place to go. Who else will go with you?
- Write about two or three rides or things your friend will enjoy.
- Write the reasons why your friend will like/enjoy those rides.
- Close your letter by writing that you are 'looking forward to
spending the weekend together'