Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι (Β΄ Γυμνασίου) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 2

• To listen to recognise sequence
• To listen to recognise the speaker's attitude
Εικόνα Listening & Εικόνα Speaking

Before you listen, look
at these pictures. In
which picture can you
see the following: an
axe, a spear, a hut, a
canoe, a loin cloth, a
bow and arrow,
sticks, a head dress?

Task 1 - Listen to the radio interview
You are going to hear an interview on the radio with the travel writer David Green. Listen to the interview and put the 5 pictures above in the order that David mentions them. Write the numbers in the correct order as you listen.
This text will be replaced
Εικόνα   Εικόνα   Εικόνα   Εικόνα   Εικόνα

Task 2 - Listening for information
Listen to the interview again. Tick TRUE, FALSE or WE DON'T KNOW, according to what you hear.
This text will be replaced
1. The forest and river are very important in the life of the Indians.      
2. The whole family works together to build the huts.      
3. When the Indians travel long distances they use the Amazon River.      
4. The Indians live in the same house all their lives.      
5. The Indians do not have easy lives.      

Way of Life
Task 3
From what you remember and by looking at the picture, complete the spidergram opposite. There's an example for you: Compare your answers with your partner.

Task 4 - Pair work
Discuss two of the following questions with your partner.
Then report your answers to the class.

a. David says he wants to help the Indians. How does he want to help them?
b. David feels that modern things from our world are not good for the Indians.
Why does he feel this? Do you agree with him?
c. David says ‘It is wrong when others want to change the Indians’ way of life'.
Do you agree or not?
d. What do you have in your life that the Indians don't have?
e. Do they need the same things as you do to have a good life?

Εικόνα Listening 2

Who's that boy?
Lina and Eleni are talking about a boy from Latin America at school. Read and listen to their dialogue to complete the gaps with the missing words.
This text will be replaced
Lina   There's a new boy in my class and I think he
         1.................... you.
Eleni  Oh, who?
Lina   I'm not 2.................... you!
Eleni  Oh, go on!
Lina   No, but he 3.................... got black straight
         hair and dark eyes.
Eleni  Is it Marios?
Lina   No. He isn't Greek. He 4.................... from
         Latin America.
Eleni  5.................... he play basketball with John?
Lina   Sometimes.
Eleni  Is he 6.................... out with Anna at the
Lina   No. He 7.................... have a girlfriend.
Eleni  Oh, I don't 8.................... who it is. Tell me.
Lina   He likes Olympiakos.
Eleni  So, what 9.................... that tell me?
Lina   It's someone who 10.................... behind you
         in the Geography lesson.
Eleni  You're 11.................... my leg.
Lina   No, seriously, he 12.................... you a lot.
Eleni  But I don't like him!
Lina   Oh, now you sound angry.
Eleni  I am!
Lesson 2
Task 1 - Practice
1. Read the completed dialogue to find the answers to the following questions.
a. Are the girls in the same class at school?
b. Does Lina tell Eleni the name of the boy at once?
c. Why doesn't she tell Eleni the name of the boy?
d. Who is the boy going out with at the moment?
e. Is Lina joking about the boy?
f. Does Eleni want to go out with the boy?
g. How does Eleni know who likes her?

Compare your answers with your partner.

2. Now, practise the dialogue with your partner.

Task 2 - Phrases

i. Which phrase means ‘I don't believe you'?
ii. Which phrase asks if he has a girlfriend at the moment?
iii. Which phrase means, ‘please tell me'?
iv. Which phrase means that you are not telling me something new?


Task 3 - Interview

Go round the class and ask questions to:
i) Find someone who likes Geography.  
ii) Find someone who lives near someone from another country.  
iii) Find someone who knows how to speak another language.  
iv) Find someone who has got a friend in another country.  
v) Find someone who is thinking of going abroad soon.  
vi) Find someone who is planning to go to Latin America one day.  
Use your completed chart to tell your partner what you discovered. Collect your findings as a class and make a bar-chart to show your class's preferences.

Mini Project

1. Write the names of these tribes in the correct place on the map: Aborigines, Pygmies, Yanomami, Lapps, Asian tribe.
2. In pairs, use your geography book or internet sites to find the following information:
a. a tribe who lives in South Africa and keeps cattle
b. what a Zulu tribesman uses to hunt
c. a tribesman who wears feathers on his head
d. a tribe who lives in Brazil
e. a tribe who uses camels as transport
f. an object which the Pygmies use to cook
g. a tribe who believes in the forest gods
h. a tribe who uses boomerangs and paints dream
sequences on cave walls
Way of Life
    Εικόνα Writing


Christos and Nefeli have a new pen-pal from a Zulu
village in Africa. They are reading her letter.
What do you think the pen-pal tells them in the letter?
What things does she ask them?
In pairs, write three things you think she asks about
and three things she tells them. Read the letter below
to check if you are right.


Over to you

Below is a letter from a Zulu girl and she is describing her life. She asks you to describe your life in your country. Read her letter to see if you have got anything in common.
Dear Penpal,
As I don't know how to speak English, Mr. Greene is
helping me to write this letter. He tells me that life in
your country is different from here in the forest.
I'm from the Zulu tribe in South Africa and I live in
the countryside. We live in small houses which we make
from mud and leaves. I help my mother to do all the
work around the house. I don't go to school but my father
says that I need to learn to read and write.
Because I don't know you, I have some questions I want
to ask you. For example, where do you live, and what do
you do every day? Do you go to school or do you spend
your day in the forest? Do you have many brothers and
sisters? What are they like? Also, what does your father
do every day? Does he hunt animals or does he meet
with the other men in your tribe in the evenings? Tell
me about your mother. Does she collect berries and nuts
and plants from the forest near your house? I always help
my mother when she goes to the forest. Do you? This
means that I am always busy.
I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes,

Task 1 - The correct order

Read Naraneti's letter again and underline the parts where she:

a. asks questions about the family
b. explains why she is writing the letter
c. gives information about her home
d. talks about her free time
e. says she wants a reply to the letter.

In which order do they appear in the letter?
Compare your answer with your partner.

Task 2 - Write your letter

Write a letter in response to Naraneti's letter giving as much information about yourself as you can. Use her letter and the order of the information in it to help you organise your answer. Start your letter like this:

Dear Naraneti,
Thank you for your letter..........................