Αγγλικά ΣΤ' Δημοτικού - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
   2. Do you believe in ghosts? Unit 4: The history of the aeroplane
  Edugame Edugame Describing People

1. Puck's tricks An adaptation of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream

A. Listen and read the dialogues from the adapted play. Choose a character and
learn his/her part by heart.


On May 16 and 18, 2000, the pupils
of Crichton Park School performed
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"


In Ancient Greece there is a girl named Hermia who loves a young man Lysander. However, her father says she must marry Demetrius but she does not want to. She and Lysander escape to a forest.

Helena is Hermia's friend and loves Demetrius.

Helena and Demetrius also run away to the forest. Soon, they get tired and they fall asleep under the trees.

In the forest, there is Nick Bottom, an actor and his group, who are putting on a play. Farther through the forest the queen of fairies Titania is arguing with her husband, Oberon who is very angry with her. So, he sends Puck, the playful sprite, to bring the juice from the love flower to make her love him again.


Ha, ha! I'll play a trick on all these people! I'll turn this man to a donkey. Abracadabra! You, Nick Bottom, are a donkey! (Nick becomes a donkey)

Oberon: (angrily)

Give me the magic juice. I'll put some of it in Titania's eyes myself. When she wakes up, she will fall in love with the first one she sees. This will be me.


Where am I? (Looking at Nick Bottom) Oh, my love! Who are you? You are so handsome!

Nick: (running away)

Help! Help!


Where are you going my love! Come back to me!


Ha, ha, ha! Let me put some flower juice in Lysander's eyes now.

Lysander: (wakes up and sees Helena)

Oh, I am desperately in love with you! How beautiful you are!


What's wrong with you? Don't you love Hermia any longer?


Hermia? Who is she? You are my love!


Ha, ha, ha! Let me put some flower juice in Demetrius' eyes now.

Demetrius: (wakes up and sees Hermia)

Oh, my darling Hermia! You are the prettiest girl in the world. I love you deeply and truly!

Hermia: (sadly)

Oh, where is Lysander? Why isn't he with me? He is my true love! (She is crying)

Oberon: (angrily)

Come here Puck! Put everything back to normal.


All the play is just a dream! Everything that happens on a midsummer night in a magic forest is a dream.

B. PROJECT: Prepare and perform the scene from "A midsummer night's dream":

Work in groups to play the scene before an audience. Make preparations:

a. choose your role and learn your part

b. set the scenes

c. draw posters and masks

d. choose appropriate music

e. choose your costumes, and

f. announce your performance.

Take pictures or a video of the performance and include them in your portfolio.


A. CROSSWORD: Complete with "monster adjectives"

B. Write the opposite of these adjectives:

kind ________________________


sensitive ____________________

friendly _____________________

expensive ___________________

attractive ____________________

C. Look at the chart below and complete the sentences using the correct form of the
adjectives warm and cool:

1. Monday is _______________ Friday.

2. Thursday is _______________ Tuesday.

3. Friday is the ___________ day of the week.

4. Wednesday is __________ day of the week.

5. Monday is _______________ Thursday.

6. Monday isn't _______________ Tuesday.

D. The table below shows some pupils' performances at sports. Look at the information
and fill in the sentences using the correct form of the adverbs: quickly, high, far, well:






1 min 30 sec

1,35 m

15 m


1 min 29 sec

1,50 m

16 m


1 min 34 sec

1,35 m

14,50 m

1. Peter runs ______________ of all.

2. Markos runs ______________ Steven.

3. Peter throws the disc _____________ of all.

4. Steven jumps _____________ Markos.

5. Steven doesn't throw the discus _____________ Markos.

6. Peter is _____________ athlete of the three.

See Workbook p. 47

___ / 6 points

My total score is ___ / 20 points


REMEMBER when you read a text in English:

Don't worry about unknown words and try to guess their meaning from context.

I can talk about

• Similarities and differences
• People's appearance and personality
• Parts in plays (act out)

I can listen to and understand

• A ghost story

I can read and understand

• Long stories and literature extracts about creatures

I can write about

• The appearance/ personality/ skills of people and creatures