Αγγλικά (Ε Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Unit 7
Edugame Edugame Self07



Mark asked Kostas why Alexander was such a great leader. Kostas found this text.

Alexander was born in 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia to King Philip II. At 20, after his father's murder, he became king. From the age of 22 until his death at 33 he conquered most of the known world, reaching as far as India.


  1. The Persians were his major enemy. They were very strong in sea power. Alexander did not have a strong navy. He was afraid of the Persian navy. In order to stop the Persian navy he did not attack the ships. Instead he destroyed their ports.
  2. In the battle of the river Issus, he did not feel strong. So he changed tactics. He himself led a focussed attack on Darius, the Persian king. Darius's personal guard did not hold the attack. Darius withdrew and his troops followed.
  3. Alexander wanted to capture Tyre, a city on an island very near to the coast of today's Lebanon. Tyre was very difficult to conquer. After several months of attack by sea Alexander changed tactics. He built a causeway. This way his troops marched up to the walls. They used land attack tactics Tyre was captured soon afterwards.
  4. Alexander wanted to control the lands he had conquered. In order to do so, he told his troops to live there. This way the ancient Greek culture and language spread to those lands.
Choose one of the following statements which show Alexander was a great leader. Explain why.
  1. Alexander did not have a navy. Nevertheless he stopped the Persian navy.
  2. At the battle of the River Issus he defeated the Persians, who had a bigger army.
  3. Alexander captured the town of Tyre, which everyone thought impossible.
  4. He controlled the lands he conquered well.


  1. Do you remember a film about Alexander the Great? Was it a good representation of Alexander the Great and his life? Discuss with your teacher and classmates. How about Robin Hood or King Arthur? Do the films represent the historical truth?
  2. Choose a personality from your History book and say what makes them unique.
    1. Use other sources to find out more about them.
    2. Work in groups and present the information on a cardboard using pictures and short texts giving an outline of his/her life and deeds.
    3. You may use the above text for guidance.
Unit 7
Tower Of London
Εικόνα Εικόνα



Name:.....................................................       Class:..............................

Date:.......................................................       Score:............./ 100




Henry VIII Anne Boleyn
Εικόνα Εικόνα


A. Do the quiz. Write complete sentences.

  1. What was the name of a famous Ancient Greek theatre?
  2. Where was Alexander the Great born?
  3. Who wrote the "Iliad" and "Odessey"?
  4. In which country did El Greco live most of his life?
  5. What was the name of Shakespeare's theatre?


Points: ....... / 20


B. Create the dialogue by putting each section in the correct order.

(Introduction: Anne Boleyn was one of the wives of King Henry VIII, 1491-1547)


..... Because I'm a ghost. But don't be afraid. I won't harm you. A
..... Why can't I touch you?
..... My name's Anne Boleyn.
..1.. Hello! Who are you?
..... Yes, I know. I'm very sad. B
..... But do ghosts cry? I can see tears running on your face.
..... Because my husband killed me.
..... But why?
..... Killed you? Who was your husband?. C
..... But why did he kill you?
..... King Henry VIII. And I was his queen.
..... Because I gave him a daughter.
..... Killed you? That's preposterous! D
..... Well, I suppose it made a lot of difference to my husband.
..... Well, he didn't want a girl. He wanted a son.
..... I don't understand. What's the difference between a son and a daughter?
..... And he killed you himself? E
..... Yes, I suppose he was. That's why I wander in the Tower of London, thinking of the old days. And I can only cry.
..... Well, not exactly. He ordered his soldiers to cut off my head.
..... Oh, my God! I can't believe it! He must have been a cruel person!



Points: ....... / 36

Unit 7

C. Look at the pictures and write what Nadine did last Sunday.



Last Sunday was a special day for Nadine. .............................................................................






Points: ....... / 28


D. A horrible weekend.


The Antoniou family went away for the weekend, but they had a terrible time. Match the sentences to find out why.

  1. so they had to wait in the sun for over half an hour for the tyre to be replaced.
  2. so they didn't buy any souvenirs.
  3. they decided to sit by the pool instead.
  4. so they had to walk there in the hot sun.
  5. because it looked dirty.
  6. they all got a stomach ache.
  7. and their beds were quite uncomfortable.
  8. as there was a disco nearby, so they couldn't sleep at night.
  1. The hotel room was very small
  2. Everything was expensive,
  3. The food was so bad that
  4. They didn't swim in the sea
  5. The beach was so dirty that
  6. The hotel roomwas noisy
  7. Their car had a flat tyre,
  8. The nearest supermarket was half an hour away from the hotel


Points: ....... / 16


Tick what's true for you:



Learning strategies in English



READING: Successful techniques

  • I get a quick overview of the passage
  • I get a good understanding of the detail
  • I imagine what is coming next
  • I read with a clear aim in mind



Now I can:



  • Talk about famous people of the past
  • Talk about past / historical actions
  • Write about a series of past events
  • Put past events in order