Look at the information about the loggerhead sea turtle and match the phrases:
1) caretta caretta lives |
a hundred kilos |
2) caretta caretta lays |
with its front and rear flippers |
3) caretta caretta breathes |
in the Mediterranean Sea |
4) caretta caretta nests |
its eggs on land |
5) caretta caretta moves |
air |
6) caretta caretta weighs |
in Greece |
Now, answer these questions
Use: Yes, it does/No, it doesn't
- Does a caretta caretta live in the Mediterranean Sea?
- Does a caretta caretta move with its legs?
- Does a caretta caretta nest in China?
- Does a caretta caretta weigh a hundred kilos?

Listen to the information about the seal Monachus monachus, an endangered species and fill in the blanks. Use these words:
This text will be replaced
fish, 300, grey, Mediterranean, forty-five, one, Greece, three, brown
Monachus monachus
Monachus monachus lives in the.....................................Sea. Its colour is............................or............................ It lives............................. years. It is....................................................metres long and weighs ........................ kilos. It eats octupuses and squid. It has ...................baby (pup). There are only 250 Monachus monachus seals in ............................... today.
(simplified and abridged from www.mom.gr) |