Αγγλικά (Γ΄ Γυμνασίου)- Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 2
Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 2


  • To practise the use of Modal verbs
  • To listen for implied information
  • To listen for specific items mentioned in a

Listening 1

Task 1 - Petula Clark, 'Colour My World'


Listen to the song and tick the things that the

singer mentions.

This text will be replaced

Decide with your partner what colour the singer

expects as the colour of love.

Task 2

Find the singers of these songs: Roses are Red,

Yellow Submarine, White Christmas, Goodbye

Yellow-Brick Road, Blue Suede Shoes, Brown-Eyed Girl, and

report to your class. Is there any Greek song that has to do with

colours? Report to your class.


Task 1


In pairs, match the colours to what they mean.

Check your answers with your teacher.


Which colours are described with ADJECTIVES

and which are described with NOUNS?


In pairs discuss why each person has chosen the

different colours to wear.

Example: The lady likes to wear grey to show how serious

she is


Task 2 - Idioms to do with colours

Complete the sentences below with these idioms.

a) When my brother uses my mobile phone, I………………………………...
b) Nobody uses the new athletic stadium so it's a ………………….………....
c) His brothers and sisters have ignored him. He's the ………………………
d) The shop assistant had the money in her bag and was caught ………….…
e) His team lost the game and now he's ……………………………………….
f) When he fell in front of the class he was ……………………………………
g) We go to the theatre once in a ………………………………….
h) When his little brother won first prize, Martin was ……………………….
i) My grandmother has a lovely garden with colourful flowers. She has ……………………….
black sheep
blue moon
feeling blue
green fingers
green with envy
red faced
see red
white elephant
Colour's my world!


Modal verbs: must, might, should, could, shouldn't

Task 1

Answer the following questions and discuss

your answers in pairs:

a) When might you wear a red T-shirt with a pink pair of jeans?
b) What shouldn't you wear to school?
c) Would you wear a yellow pair of boots with red socks?
d) Could you wear a pink hat with a blue jacket to a wedding?
e) What should you wear to your uncle's wedding?
f) How might you feel if you saw your dad wearing a pink hat?
g) What colours could you wear that would shock your grandmother?
h) What must you not wear when you march on the 25th of March?

Task 2

Look at the verbs in the questions again.

What verb form follows modal verbs?

Task 3

Read these situations and say what colour of

clothing each person could, should, might, must

wear for each occasion.

teacher - job interview
bank manager - holiday
teenager - school
grandmother - party
best friend - church
little brother or sister - baptism
father - work
Grammar Rule:
Modal Verbs (e.g. must, should, shouldn't, might, could)
are always followed by the ……………….. of the main verb.
Rules of use:
When we want:
to give someone advice, we can use ___________
to tell someone to do something important we can use ___________
to say that something is possible, we can use ___________
to say that it is possible for something to happen, we use ___________

Task 4

Use the modal verbs in grammar to complete these statements about your own life.

a) I ……………… try to do more exercise
b) I ……………… wear blue jeans with a black top.
c) I ………………… never eat food that is black.
d) If the sun is shining tomorrow, I ……………… go for a walk.
e) I ……………… judge people by the colour of their skin.
f) I ……………… never wear pink with yellow.

Listening - Lead-in
A. Look at the above picture. Why are the young people dressed like this?
B. Do you ever use make up or dress up in different colours? When?
Compare your answers with your partner.

Make a short list of the events when someone might use different colours or paint their faces.
What special occasions do people dress up for in colourful clothes?

Lesson 2

Task 1

Look at the photograph and say what

you think is happening.

Task 2

A. Listen to some people talking about a traditional festival to verify your answer.
B. Listen to the recording again and tick True or False below.
This text will be replaced
  True False
1. The Holi festival is celebrated in the spring.    
2. Men stay indoors throughout the Holi celebrations.    
3. The colour powder “gulal” only comes in red.    

4. People rub colour powder onto each other's

faces and say ‘Happy Holi'.


Task 3

How do colours relate to the environment where someone lives?

For example, why are the houses on the Cycladic islands painted

white and blue? What other colours are used in buildings in

different parts of Greece?


Task 1 - A survey

In small groups, discuss which colours would represent

the following: love, jealousy, fear, anger, sadness.

Then do a survey in your class

to see which colour is the most

popular in each case. Complete

the chart.

Task 2


Look at the adjectives on the right. They all express

feelings. Tick the right box to show if you think the word is

positive or negative.

Task 3

  + -

Look at the photographs for a

few seconds and discuss with

your partner how you feel.

Discuss the effect on the senses

of the colours in each scene.

Example: Blue makes me feel… (e.g. happy,

sad, excited, nervous, angry, relaxed).

Colour's my world!

Task 4

Match the following names with places in the photographs in Task 3. Check

your answers on the internet or in an encyclopaedia.

Giant's Causeway, Ayers Rock, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Great Rift Valley

In which continents can you find these natural wonders of the world?

Task 5 - Mini-project

Your class is participating in a European Project to attract visitors to EU

countries. You have to make a poster representing the traditions, natural beauty

and atmosphere of Greece. What photos would you choose?

Work in groups, collect pictures and write the relevant texts to create your poster.

Then bring it to the class and choose the best to send to the EU.

Writing - Pre-writing

Read the following newspaper article and letters from British school students and

choose the letter that you agree with. Why do you disagree with the other letter?

A girl in Essex has been put in isolation from her

classmates for turning up at school with blonde and

red highlights in her hair. So, do you think the

school's action is fair enough - or too strict? Do you

think you should be able to style yourself at school

with hair dye and accessories, to give you some

individuality? Source: cbbc.co.uk
E-mail and let us know!

Emily, 34, Cardiff
I think it's the proper action by the school as her behaviour will act as a bad example

for the rest of the children. Unfortunately, today many teenagers copy their school

friends without understanding what they are doing. This kind of behaviour must stop!

Parents can help by preventing their children from wearing such ridiculous colours!



A. Role play

Simon, 14, Birmingham
I think that schools shouldn't penalise you for dyeing your hair. It's your and your parent's business

if you are allowed to do it. It's really unfair, I used to go to a school that didn't even let girls use nail

polish or let guys have a beard. Now, I'm in a school that doesn't have any regulations and it's much

more comfortable. Anyway, what you do with your hair doesn't affect anybody else so you should

be able to do whatever you like. As long as your parents are OK with it.

A boy has recently come to school with his arms

heavily tattooed. This has been a shock for both

teachers and parents. In groups, take the role of the

head teacher, a parent, a student and a school friend

to discuss if students should be allowed to do this.

B. Write a report about the decision you reached in
your group.