Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι (Β΄ Γυμνασίου) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
   Think TEEN!    1.2 Way of Life
I’m only human
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι


Present Simple and Present Continuous;
State verbs: (like, want, believe, have, see,
feel, look)
Infinitive of purpose

Functions: Describing people and life routines

Vocabulary: about geography: places, tribal items,
Adjectives: increasing degree;
-ing adjectives
tough, gentle, kind, traditional, tropical, natural,
national, fresh, foreign, colourful, Amazonian.

Linking words: such as, like.
Fixed expressions: to express feelings.
Learning strategies:
When I read or listen I…
• use my general knowledge to help me with a language task
• learn grammar rules by finding differences in use
• scan visuals to get a general idea of the topic before listening to a text
• imitate a language model to produce the language I need (written or spoken).

Lesson 1

• To compare the lives of tribes with the lives of people in the modern world
• To learn about life in a forest

Lead-in for reading

Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 1

1. Look at the picture on the right. What is the name of the river which runs through this region?

2. Tick the box next to the things you like eating.




Where do you think these products come from originally?
Check your answers at relevant sites on the internet which can be found on p. 190 of your book.

3. Now look at the facts below. How do you feel and what do you think when you read these facts? Use adjectives from the box.

Examples: I feel disgusted. / I think it is disgusting.

a) We are losing 130 species of plants, animals and insects every day
b) The rain forest now covers only 6% of the world's surface
c) Amazonia has an area the size of Australia
d) Over 3000 different kinds of fruit grow in the tropical rain forest
e) Every three months the Amazon loses an area of forest the size of Greece

shocked - shocking
disappointed - disappointing
amazed - amazing
fascinated - fascinating
worried - worrying
frightened - frightening

Task 1 - Mini project

In pairs, use your geography book from last year to find or work out the answers to the following questions:
a) Find out how many square kilometres of forest disappear each year in Amazonia. It is the same as four times the size of Greece.
b) Look at your geography book or on the internet to find out where potatoes come from.
c) What facts do you know about the Amazon rain forest? Check your geography book from last year or look on the Internet. Compare your facts with your partner to see who has got the most.

Tribes of the forest

Task 2

Look at the picture of life in Amazonia. Ask your teacher questions about the people in the picture. Use the following verbs:

eat travel play
work wear do
use have sleep

For example:

What is… wearing?
How do they travel?
What kind of food do they eat?


Εικόνα Vocabulary
1. In pairs look at the words in the box below and label the objects in the picture above. Which similar objects can you see where you live?
plants spears seeds vegetation
fruit necklaces and beads fires huts

2. In pairs, match a verb from those on the right with the objects above. Now, use these pairs to make a sentence with the phrases in the box below.

to eat to keep warm to look attractive
to hunt animals to clear the forest to grow vegetables
to live in to make medicine

3. In pairs, try to guess the meaning of the words in italics.
a) Cars and factories cause air pollution.
b) The tribes slash the vegetation with huge knives.
c) The jungle is the natural habitat for many wild animals.
d) Many daily products like coffee and sugar come from the forests.
e) The Yanomami tribe is unique. They have no contact with others.
wear plant
boil build
collect burn
light use

They use spears to hunt animals.

Εικόνα Reading
Task 1 - Read the text
1. Read the text on page 4 quickly and find the answers to the following questions:
a) Where do the tribes live? b) What is happening to where they live?

2. In pairs, find the answers to the following questions:
a. Line 1: who or what does ‘they' refer to?
b. Line 9: who does ‘they' refer to?
c. Line 13: what do ‘these' refer to?

Lesson 1


of the forest
The tropical rain forests of the world play important roles in our daily lives. They help to recycle water and oxygen, and control air pollution around the world. Tropical rainforest plants provide 25% of the medicine in the world. The forest is also home to many different tribes like the Kayapo, Xicrin, Assarini and Yanomami. The Yanomami tribe lives in the rain forests of Brazil and Venezuela. The fact that it does not have contact with the outside world makes it unique. The people in the tribe need the forests to hunt for their food and a place to build their huts to live in, but unfortunately other people destroy their forests every day. They don't wear shoes and have tough skin on their feet. The Yanomami stay in an area until the land does not support them anymore. They use huge knives like swords to clear parts of the forest. They use a technique that they call the "slash and burn" method. This means that they cut down the tall vegetation and trees in a small area. They slash and burn just enough of the forest to plant seeds and make "gardens" for themselves. These provide 70% - 80% of their food and medicine. They boil plants to make their medicine. Sadly, the tribes are disappearing because of the terrible destruction of their homes and natural habitats by companies that are cutting down trees to make roads and to use the wood for paper and other products. These companies do not care about the Indian tribes and are driving them out of the jungle. They need our help. In some countries children are writing letters to their governments to ask them to stop the companies who are destroying the rainforests. To help raise money, children in the UK buy and sell beads and necklaces that the tribes make.




Task 2 - Answer the questions

Now, read the text carefully and underline the answers to these questions.
a. Why are the tribes disappearing?
b. Find one reason why the rain forests are important for the tribes.
c. Why are companies cutting down the trees in the rain forests?
d. Why do the tribes need our help?
e. What are young people doing to help?
f. Find and underline verbs in the text which i) talk about something which is generally true; ii) describe something that is causing a change.
Compare your answers with your partner.

Tribes of the forest
Present Simple and Present Continuous
There are different uses of the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
1. to describe something that is happening at the moment you are speaking
2. to show that an action is only temporary
3. to describe changes over a period of time

Which one does the writer use to describe what is happening in the forests? Compare your answer with your partner.

There are different uses of the PRESENT SIMPLE.
1. to refer to a general truth
2. to talk about habitual actions
3. to talk about the general present including the present moment.

NOTE THIS DIFFERENCE: We use the Present Simple to describe something which does not change.
Example: The Amazon River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

We use the Present Continuous when something is changing.
Example: The rain forests are disappearing.

1. Find a sentence in the text which:
a. is a general truth
b. describes change over a period of time.
Compare your answer with your partner's.

2. In pairs, match the following two sentences to the correct use of the Present Continuous and the Present Simple in the green boxes above.
a. The tribes are disappearing.
b. The tribes build huts of sticks and leaves.

1. The 3rd person in Present Simple Tense always takes an ‘s' at the end of the verb.
To ask a question in the 3rd person singular use 'does'. Use 'doesn't' to make negative sentences. You must not use 's' at the end of the verb when you use does or doesn't.
Examples: Does Joanna live in Crete?
                 Where does Joanna live?
                 She doesn't live in Athens.

2. It is not always necessary to use a time phrase with the verb.
3. We do not use some specific verbs in the -ING form: e.g. like, see, hear, care, need (see the complete list in Appendix II - Grammar File)


Look at the sketches of the two children from an Amazonian tribe. Do you think these children live like this or not? Why? Discuss your answers as a class.

Student A:
The men in this tribe don't watch TV.

Student B:
Yes, and they don't wear jeans.

